Frequently Asked Questions
Every school is different with special sets of rules and standard operating procedures. This page will help you learn more about WES and how we operate.
Where can I pick up and drop off my child?
Parents or guardians bringing their child to school in the morning may drive in from Delos Street, let the student out in front of the school office, and exit at Austin Boulevard.
Parents or guardians picking up their child after school must angle park along Phoenix, Delos, or Stewart Street. Please do not park or pick up your children in front of the office. Exceptions include parents picking up preschool children and handicapped drivers.
Back to TopWhat is the school’s attendance policy?
We excuse absences only with a written explanation and for the reasons of illness, medical appointments, death in the family, family emergency, observance of major religious holidays of the family’s faith, or prearranged, approved absences for participation in a school-related activity or an activity or educational experience that falls on a school day.
Should ten excused absences occur, we require documentation by a doctor or other official of subsequent absences in order for them to be excused.
Back to TopWhat happens if my child is late for school?
We require students to be on time and parent fault (oversleeping, transportation problems, etc.) will not excuse the student. It is the policy of WES that if a student is tardy five times, he or she will serve one day of after-school detention.
Back to TopWhat happens in the case of a school emergency/lockdown/evacuation?
In the event of an emergency situation, lockdown, or school closure, we will contact the following sources to distribute information:
- WUSD website
- VTC Television channel 172: Scrolling announcements will have up-to-date information
- Local newspaper: The Arizona Range News
In the event of a lockdown, please do not come to WES campus, as this will compromise your safety, the safety of your child and other children, and law enforcement officers. The Willcox City Library has agreed to provide a meeting place for parents in the event that a lockdown takes place, and school staff will be in communication with library staff in such cases. Also, remember that during lockdowns and other emergency situations, we may take cell phones and other similar items away from students because we have experienced such levels of misinformation going out that creates unnecessary panic and danger for students, school staff, and law enforcement officers.
How will you notify me about weather- or emergency-related school closings?
If the superintendent decides to delay the opening of school or cancel classes for the day, we will notify the police and the local radio stations with a request that they assist in disseminating this information.
Back to TopWhat is the school’s dress code policy?
- Shirts/tops/blouses should be no longer than fingertip length.
- Pants/jeans/shorts should not be excessively baggy.
- Sleeveless shirts must have at least “3 fingers” width on the straps.
- Clothing should not present a danger to children’s health, safety, or school work.
- We prohibit obscene language, slogans, graphics, or advertisements of controlled substances, including tobacco or alcohol, on clothing.
- Bandanas may only be worn as a class on special projects and events at school if the teacher wishes.
- Fingertip length shorts are acceptable.
- Students must wear shoes at all times.
- We do not allow rubber flip-flops.
- Slits and holes in clothing, see-through clothing, and bare midriffs are not acceptable.
- Headwear may not be worn indoors on campus, and caps should be worn with the bill facing forward rather than to the side or back.
- Students should wear jeans and appropriate running shoes on the day of scheduled P.E. classes.
- We discourage expensive clothing, jackets, and caps, as we cannot be responsible for such items.
How can I enroll my child as a student at WES?
Welcome to WES! We ask the parent or guardian of a student to come to the office to fill out the necessary forms and to bring the child’s immunization record and official birth certificate. If you need assistance, please call the school office between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
Back to TopHow do I withdraw my child from WES?
If you want to withdraw your student and you know a definite withdrawal date, please come to the office and fill out appropriate forms. In addition, you should return all classroom and library materials and clear your student’s cafeteria account.
Back to TopDoes WES provide counseling services for students?
We provide counseling services to students in groups or individually as needed or requested. Students may receive services at the referral of a teacher, parent or guardian, or at their own request.
Back to TopWhat are the breakfast/lunch guidelines?
You may make payments in the cafeteria each morning between 7:45 and 8:10 a.m. Breakfast is $1.50, lunch is $1.75, and milk or juice is .35 for students. Lunch for adults is $2.50 and is available to staff daily.
We send applications for free or reduced meals home at the beginning of the school year and as requested during the school year. They are also included in the enrollment packets.
WES has a closed campus. Children must have written permission on file in the office in order to go home for lunch on a daily basis. To go off campus for lunch occasionally, please check out and return your student through the office.
Back to TopWhat are the bus rules?
We require students to conduct themselves on the bus, prior to boarding the bus, and subsequent to leaving the bus, in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. When a student fails to practice proper conduct, the bus driver will inform the principal of the misconduct, which we may also bring to the attention of the parents.
Please direct all questions concerning bus transportation and routes to the Transportation Department at (520) 384-2035. This is also the telephone number to call, should a bus-riding student not arrive home in a timely manner.
Back to TopWhat is the procedure for checking my child out of school early (or having someone else do it)?
We allow only a person authorized to remove a student from school, such as one authorized to do so by the student’s parent, or by a person who has legal custody of the child. Before removing a student, the person seeking to remove the student must present, to the satisfaction of the principal, evidence of his proper authority to remove the student.
Back to TopWhat do I do if some of my contact information has changed?
Please notify the school as soon as possible of any changes in name, address, telephone, or place of employment. It is crucial that we have current information in case of an emergency.
Back to TopCan I make a donation to the school?
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to WES for the purpose of field trips or extracurricular activities, please go to the office for a donation form, or you may fill out a tax credit form.
Back to TopWhat is the procedure for class field trips?
Parents give permission for field trips on their child’s enrollment form. The teacher will notify parents, in writing, before planned trips—with the exception of walking field trips in the school area.
Chaperones on field trips must be 18 years of age or older. Volunteers must complete paperwork before attending field trips. Once a person has completed the volunteer paperwork, it is good for six (6) years.
We do not permit students' siblings who are not in the class to attend the function.
Back to TopMy child lost something at school. Where can I find it?
The lost and found box is located inside the cafeteria and includes such items as clothing, lunch boxes, etc. We keep small items in the office. We dispose of lost clothing quarterly throughout the school year because of extremely limited storage space.
Back to TopI would like to volunteer at my child’s school. What do I need to do?
State law requires that all volunteers who do not have children in school must have their fingerprints taken. There is a $24.00 fee to process the fingerprints with the State of Arizona and the FBI. An additional $5.00 charge is applicable when taking fingerprints. The elementary school has no funds available to pay for these costs; therefore, you must take the fingerprints by your own initiative.
Every volunteer will need to complete certain forms before entering the classroom. You will receive details about our volunteer program after the start of school. You may pick up these forms at the school office. Volunteers will need to register at the office each time they are on campus.
Back to TopCan I visit my child at school?
We always welcome and encourage parents or guardians to visit our school. Please register at the office and pick up a pass before you go to a room. For the protection of our students, visitors to the campus between 8:10 a.m. and 2:55 p.m. must sign in at the office.
Back to TopHow do I schedule a parent/teacher conference?
Teachers may schedule a parent/teacher conference at the end of the first and third quarters. The teacher or parent can initiate and arrange additional conferences as needed. Should you wish to arrange a conference, please call the elementary school to leave a message for the teacher.
Back to TopWhat if my child has to take medication at school?
Please provide the nurse with the following information if you send medication (prescription or over-the-counter) to school with your child:
- the medication in a prescription container labeled with the child’s name, room number, kind of medication, strength, etc.
- a completed Parents Consent for Giving Medication at School form
- a note from the physician who ordered the medication